Meet Minister Diera


Min. Diera Mendez, MA, BCMHC

Co-Executive Director

When I was 16, I woke up thinking there has to be more to life.  I’ve never been to rehab, but I lived with my dad who struggled with substances for 15 years. It was terrible! I was angry, hurt, and emotionally abandoned. God eventually worked in my heart to forgive, reconcile, and live free of the shame and bitterness that comes with loving a substance abuser. Now, I want to see families overcome this  and stay together. It’s hard work, but, with God, it’s possible.

Diera has a heart for hurting women and simply wants to remind them of God’s unchanging, healing love. After struggling for too many years with low self-worth, fear, and far too much anger to carry around any longer, she learned to find joy and peace in suffering as a result of her relationship with Christ.

For over 6 years, she has ministered as a counselor and group facilitator to women in addiction and wives whose husbands struggle, while ministering with her husband to the married couples in addiction at America’s Keswick.  She enjoys the opportunity to share her story as a speaker and minister.

She has a master’s degree in communication from La Salle University and is pursuing her doctorate at Liberty University in Community Care and Counseling, Marriage and Family.

She is wife and mama, and enjoys creating things, planning events, and trying out new recipes. Diera is a God-fearing, Starbucks-loving, tech junkie (…in that order!)